Why become a member?

Mirring is a strong Aboriginal Women’s Corporation with 21+ years’ experience in holding Aboriginal cultural education and practice workshops plus Health and Wellbeing gatherings. We have many collaborations and partnerships with Aboriginal women’s groups, corporations, and family groups nationally.

Mirring’s National membership supports our partnerships and our focus on Aboriginal women’s cultural, spiritual and general wellbeing. We are inclusive and supportive of national issues such as Aboriginal family violence and women and children’s safety and hold public summits to address these issue with the direct voices of our women and the support of partnered Aboriginal women’s corporations. Mirring also focuses on family inclusion and celebrates our positive futures with whole of community events such as 5 Lands Walk and Toorongong Gathering on the Central Coast. Membership to Mirring allows free access to our events and camps including no-cost business space access for festivals and events.

Mirring also offers Aboriginal women the opportunity for financial independents through Micro/Small Business development. Mirring holds an annual Women’s Business Development Summit on the Central Coast NSW to provide sound business development knowledges. Each member has the opportunity to highlight their business on the Mirring webpage Women IN Business, a one stop page for the public to view and support Aboriginal business enterprise.

Application & Annual Membership Fee


Mirring is a not-for-profit Aboriginal Corporation. All events, festivals and workshop are supported by external funding. Each year Mirring renews our Public Liability Insurance (PLI) to protect Mirring and our participants at every gathering. The annual fee goes to assisting in the payment of PLI. All Mirring Board members are volunteers.

All members are held accountable to the Mirring Aboriginal Corporations Code of Conduct.

  • Be respectful to everyone

  • Be courteous

  • Listen when others are talking

  • No shouting over others talking

  • Direct questions thru the Chairperson

  • Discussions to relate to the agenda/project or leave new items for GB 

  • Threatening behaviour and abusive language will not be tolerated 

  • Breach of this Code of Conduct may result in removal of membership

Code of Conduct

Membership Categories


Aboriginal women may apply online for ‘Full Membership’ below, please utilise the ‘Nominating Member’ function to name your Mirring member nominee or add your reason for applying.

Full Membership Application Form


Is available to member identified or board invited women who express an interest in assisting Mirring through their expertise or interest to participate in sharing their time as volunteers in festivals, events and camps.

Associate Membership Application Form